Thursday, January 3, 2013

Kacie's Paperrrrr :)

     Honestly, I don't know too much about World War II or Anne Frank. But I think Anne Frank used to write in a diary or something of that nature. I can't really remember. And the Holocaust, I know a few things about it. I'm not really into history, so therefore, I don't really remember it because it won't come handy to me in the future. But I do know that the Holocaust was terrible and Adolf Hitler is a disgusting man. And what he did was just unbelieveable. All those Jewish people did nothing to him, and he thinks he can just kill them all? How abominable of him. It's just outrageous to me that someone could do that to all those people and knowing that they didn't do anything to him. I also watched a movie about a boy in striped pajama pants which was all about the Holocaust. It was just heartbreaking to see all those people that he killed. The Holocaust was just horrible. But anyways, I don't know too much about anything else.

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