Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kacie's Paper. :)

   The story about Charly Gordon was different, but kind of interesting. I thought Charly's experience was positive because he got to know what it was like to feel intelligent for once. He was always used to feeling dumb and confused, but he finally got to feel like what it was like to be smart. I thought the story was kind of inspiring because that was so nice of the doctors to help Charly get smarter and know what it feels liketo be like everyone else. Also, since the docotrs did the experiment, it helped him get Miss Kinnian. Which I thought was cute because he really liked her. And in the end, it kind of turned out like he wanted because Miss Kinnian liked him back. But he knew that wansn't right, so he told her to leave. I also thought the experiment was positive because Charly helped out a lot. He helped people figure things out, he was nicer, and he also had a positive attitude about things. Like he didn't call himself stupid or any mean things like that. The story also inspired me because it taught me to be nice to others. Even if they're not just like you. They're still human beings. I thought the story was kind different, but it was alright. <3

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