Thursday, December 6, 2012

Charely's Experience

                                                       Charely's Experience
I think that Charely's like or experience in negative and positive. He had alot more negative experience than positive experience. The only time he had a positive experience is when he though the guys at the bakery were friend, when he played with the little kids was probally his best experience, and when he was hanging out with that one girl.He negative experience is when he was figuring out about the boys in the baker that they were making fun of him, when he figured out Algernon died and they didn't tell Charley, at the end of the movie he had a really bad experience when he figured out that he was going to the way he was before he had brain surgery. He didn't want to be the way he was. When he was in the building that he was trying to get to the place he lives at was the worst place he had really bad experience then. Charely went though a ruff life when he wasn't smart. But it got really bad when he was smart. Most people didn't like it when he was smart and those people were the bakery guys that he though was his friend. Charely had a really tuff life when he was not smart and when he was really really smart.

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