Thursday, December 6, 2012

            I think that Charlie doing the experiment was more positive than it was negitive. I think this statment is true for alotof reasons. One reason is at least he go a chane to try something new. He had always dreamed of being smart and he got what he wanted even if it only lasted for a little while. Antoher reason I think it was a good experiment was he go to have a real friend for once in his life, which was Algernon. If Charlie wouldnt have done the experiment he may never have come to know Algernon. And the experiment made him smart enough to realise who wasnt his friend. What i mean by this is the guys at the factory that did bad and rude things to Charlie every single day that he went to work. So the experiment helped him figure out what the men from the factory were doing. The third and final reason I am going to talk about why i think its positive is he fell in love. This is something Charlie probley never thhought about and now it happend for him. I think that was a good part in the book and in the movie! Now i know there were somethings that were negitive like him going back to normal but, over all I think it was a good thing for Charlie to do.

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