Thursday, December 6, 2012

          I think that the operation Charly Gordon had was mostly positive. I think this because, he always wanted to be smarter and he got to be for a short amount of time. I also think this because it gave the doctors information, that I hope will get them to study the research more so they can make the operation permenat. Charly got to see how the real world was and how it was to be more intelligant than those around you. Charly did not understand things right way but when he did he was both suprised and mad. Mad beacause he did not like the way he was treated and how others like him are treated by people around that judge them. Happy because he got to be capible to do anything and memorize, spell correctly, and also to be able to feel emotions that he has never felt before. And this is why I think the operation was more positive.
                                             -Cassy G.

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