Well things i know about the holocost is they had consintration camp thats where they took the jews. At the consintration camps you the would some times hurt the Jews. like I know some of the Jews got burned in gas chambers. Most of the Jews didnt survive. Another thiong i know is that the Jews had to get markings on thier wrists to show that they were in a consintration camp. Another thing i know is that Ann Frank was a Jew who was in a consintrtion camp. I havent really read very much about her so i dont know that much about Ann Frank. Somethin I now about World War II was a very very bad time with alot of fighting. It created alot of jobs and things I helped pull us out of the Grate Depression. It was a very bad time but, ended with alot of people geting jods. So this is just a few things i know about the holocost, Ann Frank, and World WarII. And some other things i would like to learn is mabey some more information on Ann Frank. I like to learn about the Holocost and I wouldn't mind to learn more about that. Also my grate grandpa was in Wrold War II so i like to learn more about that also.!!!
-Hailey Lawrence
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