Friday, January 25, 2013

How much have you read on your individual book?  What do you think of it so far?
Summarize what you have read.  Be sure to include the title of your book in your comment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have read all of my book. The book is weird, and I didn't really like it, but it is one of those books, where you have to read the second book to be happy about it. so the book is about a boy and a father, the boy is a writer, and his father is telling him about his time in a consintration camp, and what is was like back then. So they go through his father's life, before the war, during the war. There is a lot of death in the book, there is some cursing in it, but i guess it was okay. The book is called MAUZ -Jackie

  3. I have read 1 chapter of the book mauz.The first chapter is "the sheik"

  4. I have only read about 8 pages of my indvidual book but, i already love it.! Im reading the book Night by Elie Wiesel. Surmmray- SO far in my book i have met the main narrator of the book. He is a very religous young man. He asked his father if he could get a master to guide him in his study of Kabbalah but the childs fater said that he was to young. Untill one day his father sees the boy praying. The fater asked his son why he cried while he prayed the child answered "I don't know" so then the father asked why do you prey and agian the child says "I don't know". So then the child get to go and listen to Moishe the Beadle as the call the man who preaches. But one day Moishe and alot of other villagers were taken in these big trucks. everyone wonder where they went. But one amazing day Moishe returns with a wonded leg. Then he tells everyone a story about these me shooting people and useing babeies as targets for machein guns. Everyone was terrified but, the didnt believe Moishe. Everyone thought he was a big liar. So one women asked how he survied this. He said "that he didnt know but, one thing h edid know is that it was a merical from god the he was still alive!:) No one believed him still:( so now he walks around town with his head down and wont talk to anyone at all. Its really sad. That is as far as i have gotten in my book. That big summary was from just eight pages and that was alot witch is one big reason why i already love this book.

    -Hailey Lawrence Book:Night by Elie Wiesel....:)

  5. I'm reading the book Yellow Star.
    I'm on the part of Fall 1940 and on page 33.
    I like this book its not that hard to read and i enjoy reading about the girl in the book . Her names is Sylvia. So far its a really good book.
    I've read about Hava's brother died and so are other people, I learned how their day go and what they do, and that her family as been seperate from each other. Also that they can't take of the Star of David inless their inside sometimes not even that. When their out in the public you have to wear the star. Plus the girl is only 4 1/2 years old going on to 5. I'be also read that she also has missed her first day of school in Kindergarden with the shiny classroom floor with sunny windows, a clean chalkboard and a smiley teacher who's says, "Welcome , Syvia!"
    Shes is also learning with all the women how to yarn along wiht pieces of old fabric to make dresses and sweaters for the winter thats coming up.
    The color of the Ghetto is a brown bulding, clouds of brown dustand smoke in the sky, brown shoes, brown pants legs, bronw dresses, and brown roads. No bright colors in the Ghetto except for the yellow star and hte red blood in the roads that you dried not to step in. The guards wear uniforms, bots, guns, and cigarete.
    The guards didn't care if they shot a man an their children watched it happen which is sad but it happened alot in the Ghettos. One man was dragged of and sot in front of his 2 children, and no one knows why he was killed. No one is Sylvia's family died. Her aunt, uncles, and cousins are okay, but she doesn't know about her mom and dad or her sister. Because they were seperated and put in to diffrent camps. Life is hard for Sylvia.
