Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'm thankful for my loving family. My family is so good to me, and help me out. They help me feel love and security. I'm thankful for my dog, Jake. Jake has always been my boy, and that's made me feel like he'll always be there even though he is a dog. I love him! I'm thankful for my wonderful besties: Kacie, Caitlee, Brianne, Mechelia, and the many others I did not say. They have pretty much always been there for me. They help me have wonderful advice for everything; Kacie:D. They'll always be there for me. I'm thankful for my twin sister Mechelia. She's always been there through thick and thin. She'll always be my sister. That will never chage no matter what! No matter my problem my twin has been there, even though she has so many other things to do. Love you twin!!!!

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