Thursday, December 6, 2012

          I think that the operation Charly Gordon had was mostly positive. I think this because, he always wanted to be smarter and he got to be for a short amount of time. I also think this because it gave the doctors information, that I hope will get them to study the research more so they can make the operation permenat. Charly got to see how the real world was and how it was to be more intelligant than those around you. Charly did not understand things right way but when he did he was both suprised and mad. Mad beacause he did not like the way he was treated and how others like him are treated by people around that judge them. Happy because he got to be capible to do anything and memorize, spell correctly, and also to be able to feel emotions that he has never felt before. And this is why I think the operation was more positive.
                                             -Cassy G.

Kacie's Paper. :)

   The story about Charly Gordon was different, but kind of interesting. I thought Charly's experience was positive because he got to know what it was like to feel intelligent for once. He was always used to feeling dumb and confused, but he finally got to feel like what it was like to be smart. I thought the story was kind of inspiring because that was so nice of the doctors to help Charly get smarter and know what it feels liketo be like everyone else. Also, since the docotrs did the experiment, it helped him get Miss Kinnian. Which I thought was cute because he really liked her. And in the end, it kind of turned out like he wanted because Miss Kinnian liked him back. But he knew that wansn't right, so he told her to leave. I also thought the experiment was positive because Charly helped out a lot. He helped people figure things out, he was nicer, and he also had a positive attitude about things. Like he didn't call himself stupid or any mean things like that. The story also inspired me because it taught me to be nice to others. Even if they're not just like you. They're still human beings. I thought the story was kind different, but it was alright. <3

Charely's Experience

                                                       Charely's Experience
I think that Charely's like or experience in negative and positive. He had alot more negative experience than positive experience. The only time he had a positive experience is when he though the guys at the bakery were friend, when he played with the little kids was probally his best experience, and when he was hanging out with that one girl.He negative experience is when he was figuring out about the boys in the baker that they were making fun of him, when he figured out Algernon died and they didn't tell Charley, at the end of the movie he had a really bad experience when he figured out that he was going to the way he was before he had brain surgery. He didn't want to be the way he was. When he was in the building that he was trying to get to the place he lives at was the worst place he had really bad experience then. Charely went though a ruff life when he wasn't smart. But it got really bad when he was smart. Most people didn't like it when he was smart and those people were the bakery guys that he though was his friend. Charely had a really tuff life when he was not smart and when he was really really smart.
I think that it was mostly positive because before the operation like he got made fun of and didnt get to see as much of the world like everyone else did. He also didnt get to know what alot of stuff meant. After the operation he got to see more of the world in our eyes and not how he had been seeing it. He didnt get made fun of and plus he got to feel like he was helping other people in a way that he could never do before. Thats why I think that the operation was a positive thing for him to get.

                  I think Charly's experience was mostly positive because for a little while he got to experince things that he would never have the chance to do before the operation. He was able to know what other people said and understand them. He was able to find true friends and now that the ones at the factory was not his friend. There was some down sides but for the most part he had a positive experience. Some negative things would be him knowing that he was going to be like his old self and not understand very maky things anymore. He also didn't want to marry mrs. Kinnan because he knew that he was going back to his old self and didn't.want her to be with him like he would be. That was unfortunate because before he knew that he was going back he wanted to marry he rand she didn't want to right then she said just worry about breakfest right now. But he got to become friends with new people and have very gook experiences.

            I think that Charlie doing the experiment was more positive than it was negitive. I think this statment is true for alotof reasons. One reason is at least he go a chane to try something new. He had always dreamed of being smart and he got what he wanted even if it only lasted for a little while. Antoher reason I think it was a good experiment was he go to have a real friend for once in his life, which was Algernon. If Charlie wouldnt have done the experiment he may never have come to know Algernon. And the experiment made him smart enough to realise who wasnt his friend. What i mean by this is the guys at the factory that did bad and rude things to Charlie every single day that he went to work. So the experiment helped him figure out what the men from the factory were doing. The third and final reason I am going to talk about why i think its positive is he fell in love. This is something Charlie probley never thhought about and now it happend for him. I think that was a good part in the book and in the movie! Now i know there were somethings that were negitive like him going back to normal but, over all I think it was a good thing for Charlie to do.
             I think that Charly's experience was mostly positive because he got to experience what he wanted to. It was his decision and he got to become smart like he wanted to. He got to see the world through different eyes and got to become what he wanted. He got to be a completely different man than he was and he saw when people were making fun of people because of their condition. He stood up for the kid and helped him out since he was once like that. He knew people treated him like that at times and made him upset. He also had new feelings and learned about actions that adults have to or do make. He also got to learn feelings of others and what they feel about him or others.He was able to help the scientist with their work and help them with the operation. He got new friends and learned new things about the world he never knew.Even though he knew it was temporary he liked being able to become different and learning new things. And even though he returned to what he was like before but he at least got to live his dream. Thats why I think Charly Gordon had a mostly positive experience.

Si Robertson

       Both because he was dumb and now he is smart. Most of the time he was not having that he beat Algernon. He is now in love with Miss. K. She wants him to marry her at the end. He is working his way back to dumb because it was temporary. it was temporary because he is going back to the other side which is dumb.
       The movie was very different from the story we read. I think the surgery that they performed on Charly was negative. It did help him but then in the end it wore off and made him like he was before the surgery. The surgery did make him smart, but not for a long time. then after he was all smart he got dumb again. Which was sad. The doctors didn't tell Charly that the smartness was only temporary. When Charly found out that it was only temporary, it up set him. Mrs. Kinnian found out too and she felt sorry for Charly. Mrs. Kinnian showed up at Charly's place and she wanted to marry him and stay their with him until he told her to get out, and he told her to leave cause he didn't want her to see him get like the way he was before the surgery. Mrs. Kinnian felt sorry for Charly. The story was very interesting though.
   I think that the whole experience was mostly negative for Charly for many reasons. I think that the experience was negative because Charly wanted to become smart and that is what he got but he wanted to stay that way and that is what he thought was going to happen. The doctors never told Charly that it all was just going to be temporary. I thought it was a negative experience because it was like getting something you love for christmas, but then having someone take it all away. That is what I see happened to Charly and I think it's a negative experience.

Charly's Experiment Postive or Negative

I believe that the experience that charly did was mostly negative. I believe this because if you has wanted something your whole life and somehow fianlly got it, how would you feel if it got taken away from just after you got it? Well I know how I would feel, it would be horrible it is unfair and I believe it did more harm then good. It is just going to hurt his instead of help him I believed it harmed him and it made him emotionly distraut. This I am not saying it was all bad I am just saying that I believe from my personal opinion it did more harm then good.
I think Charly's experience was mostly negative because he doen't ever look like he's happy except for when he is with Mrs. Kinnian, he actually ends up the way he was before the operation, and he has a horrible time when he starts to go back to the way he used to be. Charly didn't want to end up the way that he used to be, but that's what happened. That wasn't fair I think. He was finally getting what he wanted, and it slowly going away from him. He was just so smart, then he started going downhill from there. He starts to not really want to be around the only person he really cared about, Mrs. Kinnian. He starts to just slowly become the same way he was. He sees his old self and that just starts to depress him even more. Then he tries to figure out a way to stay smart, and then when he finds out there is no way to change what is happening to him, he just stops. He just finally accepts what's happening to him, a little bit. It was pretty much the whole time a negative experience to me. I bet it was for him too.
I think charly's experience was mostly positive cause he got to be smart. he got to know what true love was. he got to know that people aren't allways nice. -jackie